Vergangene Veranstaltung
FORMA/R/TS: Stains a Lecture Performance

by Rosalie Wanka und Paola Evelina

Datum:14.09.2024 / 19:30 bis 23:00 Uhr


a Lecture Perormance by Rosalie Wanka & Paola Evelina

Stains is a research project that wants to investigate historical traces left in the form of concrete, visible shapes as well as invisible, resonant presence in specific sites through the physical body. The body moves and feels, establishing a dialogue between itself and the memory trapped in a place, sliding on its surfaces. It is a sponge and a  marker at the same time.

We built a language, a system which allows us to have a direct experience with a geographical site which is – per our selection/choice – impregnated with deep, conflictive historical charge and carries therefore a significative/symbolic meaning.

This language consists of three actors:

  1. The place of choice
  2. The physical body interacting with it
  3. The photograms that record the action

Paying our tribute to the culture of memory / Erinnerungskultur, in this performance we focused on fascist history of the 20th century.


Sonnenstein Loft
Sonnensteinstraße 11
4040 Linz


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